உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

வார்ப்புரு:Infobox laboratory

கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிப்பீடியாவில் இருந்து.



The {{Infobox laboratory}} template is much like the {{Infobox university}} template, have a look at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for an example of usage.

{{Infobox laboratory
|name             = <!-- Required -->
|native_name      = 
|image            = 
|latin_name       = 
|motto            = 
|established      = <!-- Required, use {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|type             = <!-- Research type, e.g., basic/applied, classified/unclassified -->
|budget           = 
|debt             = 
|research_field   = 
|rector           = 
|chancellor       = 
|president        = 
|vice-president   = 
|provost          = 
|principal        = 
|vice_chancellor  = 
|dean             = 
|director         = 
|head_label       = 
|head             = 
|faculty          = 
|staff            = 
|students         = 
|alumni           = 
|address          = 
|city             = <!-- Required for Location field to display -->
|state            = 
|province         = 
|country          = 
|coor             = <!-- Use {{Coord|LAT|LON|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
|zipcode          = 
|campus           = 
|free_label       = 
|free             = 
|affiliations     = 
|operating_agency = 
|nobel_laureates  = <!-- No. of Nobel Laureates for work done in lab -->
|website          = <!-- Use {{URL|example.edu}} -->
|logo             = 
|footnotes        = 


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
குறிக்கோள்Bringing science solutions to the world
நிறுவப்பட்டதுஆகத்து 26, 1931 (1931-08-26)
ஆய்வு வகைUnclassified
நிதிநிலை$652 million
பணிப்பாளர்Paul Alivisatos
அமைவிடம்Berkeley, California
Campus200 ஏக்கர்கள் (0.81 km2)
Operating agencyUniversity of California
நோபல் விருதாளர்கள்11
{{Infobox laboratory
|name             = Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
|motto            = Bringing science solutions to the world
|image            = [[File:Dabney-minimalist.png|150px]]
|established      = {{Start date|1931|08|26}}
|director         = [[Paul Alivisatos]]
|city             = [[Berkeley, California|Berkeley]]
|state            = California
|budget           = $652 million
|type             = Unclassified
|staff            = 4000
|campus           = {{convert|200|acre|km2}}
|students         = 800
|nobel_laureates  = 11
|operating_agency = [[University of California]]
|website          = {{URL|www.lbl.gov}}

"https://ta.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=வார்ப்புரு:Infobox_laboratory&oldid=1565895" இலிருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது