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பேச்சு:தமிழர் பருவ காலங்கள்

மற்ற மொழிகளில் ஆதரிக்கப்படாத பக்க உள்ளடக்கம்.
கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிப்பீடியாவில் இருந்து.


Tamil seasons refer to the seasons that have been in use in Tamil Nadu since ancient times. A year Tamils karkalam , winter , munpanikkalam , pinpanikkalam , ilavenilkalam , mutuvenilkalam be divided in six seasons. • Karkalam: This includes the Tamil month of Avani , Purattasi . • Kutirkalam: the Tamil month Oct , Nov. The shedding of leaves is called kudir. • Munpanikkalam: Tamil month Dec , Jan. • Post-winter: This includes the Tamil month of Masi , Panguni . • Spring: This includes the Tamil month of Chithirai , Vaikasi . • Summer: This includes the Tamil month of Ani , Adi . The ancient Tamil people not only considered the changing seasons as changes of time but also intertwined them with the biology of the people and the land in which they live. Tolkappiyam talks about the seasons that belong to the Tamil land divisions like Mullai , Kurinji , Marutham , Neiythal, Paalai etc. Accordingly, the rainy season to the Mullai land; kulirkalam and pre-winter period for Kurinji land; All seasons are for Marutham and Neiythal, and spring, summer and munpanikalam for the paalai land. [1]

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